6.x-1.0-ALPHA1: First 6.x version for Taxonomy Block (now support multi languages) 6.x-1.0-ALPHA2: Fixed: change taxonomy_block_i18n to taxonomy_block 6.x-1.0-ALPHA3: Fixed: count child nodes 6.x-1.0-ALPHA4: New: use dhtml_menu module for tree like navigation 6.x-1.0-ALPHA5: Fixed: disable dhtml_menu support 6.x-1.0-BETA1: Fixed: check if i18n module available 6.x-1.0-BETA2: New: able to set maksimum term to display 6.x-1.0-BETA3: Fixed: Use taxonomy_term_path($t) to fetch term path, compability to taxonomy_redirect module Fixed: Block title support multi-language New: Order by name/weight in Ascending/Descending 6.x-1.0-BETA4: New: show vocabulary name instead vid in settings page 6.x-1.0-BETA5: Fixed: now only count Published node Fixed: move package to "Taxonomy" 6.x-1.0-BETA6: Fixed: wrong position Fixed: show node count by default