Fieldset helper 6.x-2.0-dev, 2010-10-18 --------------------------------------- 2012-04-30 - [#1532158] by jrockowitz: Expand All | Collapse All not working. 2011-01-16 - by jrockowitz: Added "Disable server-side state management for anonymous users". 2010-10-25 - by jrockowitz: Added "Minimum number of collapsible fieldsets to show 'Expand all | Collapse all' links". 2010-10-25 - by jrockowitz: Cookies setting doesn't work for static HTML fieldsets. - 2010-10-21 - by jrockowitz: Changed HOOK_fieldset_helper_element_id_alter(&$id) to HOOK_fieldset_alter(&$element). 2010-10-21 - by jrockowitz: Added 'Expand all | Collapse all' links on specified pages. Removed toggle all fieldset block. 2010-10-20 - by jrockowitz: Fixed issue with Rubik and Tao admin themes. 2010-10-20 - by jrockowitz: Automatically load required javascript files if a page has a collapsible fieldset. 2010-10-19 - by jrockowitz: Added hook_fieldset_helper_element_id_alter(&$id). 2010-10-19 - by jrockowitz: Re-worked fieldset setting to enable collapsible fieldset and collapsed by default so that it can be controlled on a per page basis. 2010-10-19 - by jrockowitz: Added settings to save fieldset state for node add (node/add/*) and node edit (node/*/edit) as one page (node/form). 2010-10-18 - by jrockowitz: Added hook_fieldset_helper_path_alter(&$path) and hook_fieldset_helper_element_path_alter($element_id, &$path). - 2010-10-18 - by jrockowitz: Added the ability to save a fieldsets state across multiple pages based on a fieldset id (ie fieldset-cck-*). - 2010-10-18 - by jrockowitz: Added the ability to save a fieldsets state across multiple pages based on a path pattern (ie node/*/edit). - 2010-10-18 - by jrockowitz: Added force all fieldset to collapsible and/or collapsed (by default) settings. - 2010-10-18 - by jrockowitz: Added toggle all block. - 2010-10-18 - by jrockowitz: Added hook_requirements warning about imcompatibility with rubik theme. - Adjusted custom theme preprocess functions to only hijack theme function and not theme templates. 2010-10-18 - by jrockowitz: Added id to all fieldsets and improved theme preprocess handling. - Added an id attribute to all fieldsets. [#899768] - Included fieldset.js and fieldset_helper.js on all pages. [#628322] - Moved load fieldset_helper_add_js() to hook_init(). - Add section comment blocks. - Removed 'fieldset_helper_auto_exclude' variable to allow all fieldsets to have ids - Setup custom theme preprocess functions and remove phptemplate_* functions. 2010-10-18 - by jrockowitz: Setup new 6.x-2.0-dev branch. Fieldset helper 6.x-1.0, xxxx-xx-xx ----------------------------------- 2009-21-11 - by jrockowitz: Reviewed and cleaned up API documentation. xxxx-xx-xx - by jrockowitz: Fixed error in fieldset_helper.test with getInfo missing 'public static' scope. xxxx-xx-xx - by jrockowitz: Added SimpleTest and fixed and/or cleaned-up discovered issues. - Added optional DOM id param for theme_fieldset_helper_toggle_all($selector, $id); - Added _fieldset_helper_format_id($text) so that form_alter and theme_fieldset share the same format. - Added fieldset_helper_state_manager_clear_lookup_ids() to purge existing ids; - Added 'Clear lookup id' to admin settings form. - Added $clear param to fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_cookie_states() for testing purposes. xxxx-xx-xx - by jrockowitz: Fix: 'Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in fieldset_helper.module on line 155 xxxx-xx-xx - by jrockowitz: Minor pre-port code tweaks for Drupal 7 and fix form alter fieldset ids to be valid DOM #id. - Fix '[error] PHP Notice: Undefined index:' by checking for array's index of property existance using isset(array['item']). - JavaScript should be compatible with other libraries than jQuery. xxxx-xx-xx - #425248 by HoKe: Un-/collapse by levels for moduleinfo.module - Updated expand and collapse all on modules page to only open first level for fieldsets. - Tweaked Drupal.FieldsetHelper.toggleFieldsets to allow for a completely custom jQuery selector. xxxx-xx-xx - by jrockowitz: Changed file's package from 'Custom' to 'Other'. xxxx-xx-xx - by jrockowitz: Initial commit of fieldset_helper module.